This workshop is being repeated on July 5th at 1:00 pm.  Same place — same directions.


This workshop is being repeated on

July 5th at 1:00 pm

Same Place — Same Directions

Workshop Description

The power of your photography begins with the visual symbolism of the story you are telling. Editing in Photoshop conveys your story to the viewer.

This interactive workshop leads you through that "story-perception" process using examples of classical and contemporary photos, events, portraits, pets, landscapes and car culture.

Kurt Lightfoot is principal photographer at Déjà Vu Photo Services specializing in narrative photography to capture the story of client events, groups, individuals and cultural activities.

This is an encore presentation using a selection of new images. All skill levels.


Click here for more information
about the Exhibition Of Photography

Click here for more information
about the San Diego County Fair @ Del Mar 2014