Event: Monster Scooter does Sturgis

Warning: Do not enter this web page
if you are too serious
about photography or Harley Davidson motorcycles.

In this photo storyboard Monster Scooter hitches a ride in the cargo bay of an antique V-Tail Bonanza and flies to Sturgis SD to do the 2004 "Black Hills Rally".

Monster Scooter has a 4-cycle engine and runs on fuel siphoned from the Bonanza's fuel tanks.

Most everyone at Sturgis enjoyed Monster Scooter's visit.

For "official" information about
the next Sturgis Rally click Sturgis Motorcycle Rally


Monster Warming Up For Sturgis
Monster Scooter getting style and attitude coaching from Harley and Vette


Sturgis Sunrise
Sunrise at the Sturgis SD Airport.
Sleeping bag and a low-rider cot under the left wing.


Monster Researches its Genealogy
Monster compares its DNA with Harley DNA and Harley-Wannabes' DNA
next to the Sturgis Harley Davidson Dealership.


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Shopping at Harley Davidson Dealership
Monster ready to go shopping with friends
at the Sturgis Harley Davidson dealership.


Sturgis Valet Parks Monster
Monster enjoys valet parking and a photo-op with a new friend.


Monster Visits American Iron Horse
Monster shows off its chrome and custom wheels
to peers and potential customers
at the American Iron Horse booth.


Monster's Harley Davidson Shopping Bag
Monster adorned with its new
Harley Davidson shopping bag.